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Grammar is the way that written and verbal words are arranged in order from sequence.  This allows communication between human beings.  We believe grammar should be exciting, and is extremely important. Effective grammar will help you communicate more clearly in written and verbal form with other human beings.  It can also help you be a better listener, understand, and be able to clarify other people’s communication.

The better you understand grammar, the more prescise you can be with your message.  It is a study of understanding others, and in turn being understood yourself.



Communication is the process of communicating through our senses: sight, sound, taste, touch and smell to impart a message.  In this section we will focus on the aspect of verbal communication which is communicated through sound, and written communication which people read.  Language is a set of words, and how they are put together by a culture or group.  If you can’t understand the communication you’ce recieved, ineffective communication has taken place.  Communication takes place in a variety of settings.

  People use communication as a means of expressing, or conveying feelings, thoughts.


> Written Communication

> Verbal Communication

The form of verbal communication is called speech, which we use with language.


>> Words

Words are basically made up sounds that are agreed upon universally by speakers of that language to communicate about objects.  People some times needed to write down their communication, rather than just verbally.  It is believed this was originally done through symbols, hieroglyphs or pictures.


Eventually the Alphabet evolved.  The alphabet is a collection of a finitie, or fixed quanitity of letters that allows people to construct words from those letters.

Words serve different purposes.  The categories that these words are assigned to are called “parts of speech”.

>> Sentences

A sentence is a group of word that together creates a complete message.  A sentence without a clear message could be dscribed as an ” incomplete sentence”.   For a sentence to be complete it is considered to have a subject, and a verb.

>>> Sentence subjects

>>> Objects

We start communicating usually by referring to an objecty.

>>>> Direct objects

>>>> Indirect object

>> Paragraphs

>> Expressing Thought

>> Punctuation

>>> Full stop (period)

>>> Comma

>>> Colon

>>> Semi colon

>>> Excalamtion point

>>> Question mark

>>> Quotations marks

>>>> Single quotation marks

>>> Apostrophe

>>> Parentheses


> Italic

> Underlining

Capital Letters

> Proper Nouns

> Proper Modifiers



A homonym is when a word that is pronounced, or said the same way, can mean multiple things.  Some times these words are spelled the same, and sometimes they are not.


Ambiguity Is a word, phrase or sentence that can have more than one meaning.


A noun is a person, place or thing.

> Common Noun

>  Proper Noun

A proper name is a specific name of a person, place, or thing.  The first letters of these words are capitilised.


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Pinnacle Health Clinic


417-421 Church St, North Parramatta NSW 2151, Australia

International: +61 2 9890 7004



Double Bay:

Level 1/4 Cross St,

Double Bay NSW 2028 Australia


Hawthorn :

167 Camberwell Rd

Hawthorn, VIC 3123


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